The Reef Fish of JMJ

Reef fish encompass a diverse array of species inhabiting coral reef ecosystems, found in warm, shallow waters characterised by coral formations. Integral to the health and balance of these ecosystems, reef fish contribute to biodiversity and ecological functions.

With an extensive range of flavours and textures, reef fish offers diverse culinary possibilities. From mild-tasting white fish to healthy and flavourful varieties, they cater to diverse palates and can be prepared in various ways, including grilling, baking, frying, or steaming.

In coastal regions, reef fish consumption is often deeply rooted in local and traditional culinary practices. These fish play a crucial role in the diets of communities living near coastal areas, contributing to cultural identity and culinary heritage.

Sustainably Sourced, Impeccably Delicious - Our Commitment to Ocean Conservation

Our commitment to offering the best-quality seafood starts with supporting sustainable fishing practices. We fulfill our social responsibility by leading a sustainable management system and process to preserve the value for our present environment and sustainable harvesting to protect our ocean’s bounty for future generations.